Saturday, January 19, 2008

Cookies Please.

Adam and I went the the grocery store last night to get some ready to bake cookies. When we got up to the check out line we noticed that the package was already open. Adam offered to run back and get another pack, but the casher said that he would call someone to get it. So he picked up the phone and did an over head announcement " Can I get a Pillsbury read to bake, Big Deluxe, Triple chocolate indulgence cookies to aisle 7. I repeat, Pillsbury ready to bake, Big Deluxe, Triple chocolate indulgence cookies to aisle 7. Adam and I were both laughing so hard, along with the other people in the lane. It was a little embarrassing, but what can you do! :)


Unknown said...

ooh, the triple chocolate indulgence is my absolute favorite. and they don't have them at my grocery store anymore. they do have them at super target, though. and at super wal mart, they have peanut butter cup cookies, which are crazy good. mmm. cookies.

Chris said...

That is so funny. I know how much Adam loves his cookies!